Everything you could want to know about ShouldBWorking

I'm just a simple "old" dude (in gaming years) who loves gaming...

About Me

Hi! My name is ShouldBWorking, or ShouldB, or Joel... I'm an OG gamer, otherwise called an old gamer.

I'm known for great game plays—blah, who am I kidding... I'm known for being an old gamer guy, with an awesome beard, and a great username that everyone wants... 😏

And yes, I know I should be working, but gaming gives me sanity in my off times.

Gaming Life

I started gaming on an old second-hand Atari when I was a kid (the only game I had was Pong), and then moved onto a Nintendo... not the Switch or any of the other iterations... the original Nintendo with the rectangle controllers. My favorite games were Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, Contra, Millipede, Mega Man... Great times, and hooked me onto games for life.

After the "classic" Nintendo, I moved onto the Sega Genesis and Sonic the Hedgehog (I seriously don't remember playing any other games on that). Since there weren't many games there, I started playing PC games on my step-dad's 386 (and then my own 286—for you new kids, that's really old and 1/100th the power of your cell phone, but for us old people it was blazing fast and top of the line, especially if it had a speedy 14.4kbps modem that made funny sounds), in particular on PC I played Wolfenstein 3D, then Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, and then SimCity.

After PC gaming, I took a break until the first Xbox came out (day one owner) and played Halo 1 religiously. I've been on the Xbox platform ever since. Halo 2, still on my original Xbox, provided me with my first online multiplayer experience. And, since I'm an antisocial person who didn't have many friends IRL that could come over, it was perfect for me!

On Xbox 360 I found Call of Duty 3, then Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and have continued with every version released since. I stick with mostly FPS shooters, but occasionally venture out and try other things.

Currently I game on an Xbox One X, and will likely get an Xbox Series X (even with it's stupid name), but am heavily considering skipping that and going toward a PC for the next iteration. Want to help with that? You can donate here 😁 haha, just kidding, unless you want to...

Family Life

I got married to the love of my life in 2006. We have two girls, a black lab, and live in California.

Gaming with Kat

As any mediocre dad trying to get better, I'm trying my best to grow my two girls into gamers. While my youngest is getting started with Mario Kart on the Switch, my eldest (Kat), and I regularly play games and we sometimes stream them. When we do stream them, I usually add #GamingWithKat to the Twitch title, and if we make anything that ends up in YouTube, it goes into the Gaming With Kat playlist.

Almost always Kat picks the game, and I struggle to play it. We've played Human Fall Flat, Fortnite and Call of Duty Modern Warfare on stream (COD is my game, so I kicked ass on that one).

In Closing

And, in closing, since I'm old I use an oxford comma, double space after periods, and end sentences with a period, even in text messages. Also, I just recently learned to let go started a sentence with "and", which I was taught not to.

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